Payments, Billing, and Insurance

Pay by phone, via our website, or in person.
For billing or payment questions, reach out to our billing department.

For Medical Emergencies, Please Call 911
After Hours Crisis Line

Price Transparency

The information provided in the price transparency link below includes a list of the most common outpatient services provided by the Swanson Center.
This information is provided in compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for pricing transparency. Swanson Center provides a list of our standard charges via the Internet.
The standard charges display the gross charges, excluding discounted cash prices, payer negotiated rates, and minimum and maximum payer negotiated rates. The center may have payer negotiated rates for services that are not included in the fee schedule.
It’s important to know that actual charges are based on an individual’s specific needs and can differ based on services.
For information about the cost of your specific care, please contact our billing department at (219) 873-9884.

Swanson Center staff provide mental health services.

Financial Assistance

At Swanson Center, we are dedicated to making services accessible to all our clients. You may be eligible for financial assistance under the terms and conditions we provide.

Financial Services, please call: (219) 873-9884

Good Faith Estimate

According to Indiana Law, Swanson Center is required to provide you with a Good Faith Estimate of charges for services provided for non-emergency care within 5 business days. To request a Good Faith, estimate of charges for any scheduled services, please contact Financial Services at (219) 873-9884.

You are responsible for paying your share of the cost (like the copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles that you would pay if the provider or facility was in-network). Your health plan will pay out-of-network providers and facilities directly.

Visit for more information about your rights under federal law information about your rights under federal law.

Take the Next Step Today

Our team is here to help you on your journey toward better mental health and wellness. Visit one of our locations to get started or give us a call to speak with a member of our team and schedule your appointment. Together, we can make a difference.

For Medical Emergencies, Please Call 911 • After Hours Crisis Line